Guía de equipamiento Ironman – kit esencial para ir a lo largo – Equipo de triatlón

When it comes to an Ironman, every little bit of aerodynamic advantage helps, especially on the bike leg. An aero helmet can help reduce drag and save you energy, which is crucial for a long-distance event like an Ironman. Plus, it can also help keep you cooler with better ventilation than a traditional road helmet.


Protecting your eyes from the sun, wind, and debris is important on race day. A good pair of sunglasses can make a big difference in your comfort and performance. Look for sunglasses that are lightweight, stay securely on your face, and provide good coverage. You’ll want to make sure they’re comfortable for the entire race, especially during the run when your face is likely to be more sweaty and sensitive.

Running shoes

Your running shoes are going to carry you through the final leg of the race, so it’s important to have a pair that is comfortable, supportive, and durable. Make sure you’ve trained in your running shoes before race day to ensure they’re broken in and won’t cause any issues during the marathon. Consider getting a gait analysis to find the right type of shoe for your running style and foot shape.

Nutrition and hydration

Proper nutrition and hydration are key to successfully completing an Ironman. Make sure you have a nutrition plan in place for race day, including what you’ll eat and drink before, during, and after the race. Practice your nutrition strategy during your long training sessions to make sure it works for you and won’t cause any stomach issues. Consider carrying your nutrition on the bike and run in easy-to-access locations, like your tri suit pockets or a race belt with pockets.

Race belt

A race belt is a convenient way to carry your bib number during the race, allowing you to easily transition from swim to bike to run without having to pin your number on each time. Look for a race belt with extra pockets for nutrition and other essentials you may need during the race.

Transition bag

A good transition bag can make your race day experience much smoother and more organized. Look for a bag that has separate compartments for your swim, bike, and run gear, as well as pockets for nutrition, tools, and other essentials. Make sure it’s durable and easy to carry, especially if you’ll be traveling to the race venue.

Training gear

Don’t forget about the gear you’ll need for all those long training hours leading up to race day. Make sure you have comfortable and functional workout clothes, a good pair of running shoes, a reliable bike, and all the necessary accessories like a bike computer, heart rate monitor, and tools for maintenance. Consider investing in a coach or training plan to help you stay on track and make the most of your training.

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Added extras for racing an Ironman

In addition to the essentials, there are some added extras that can make your Ironman experience even better. While these items may not be strictly necessary, they can help you perform at your best and enjoy the race day experience.

Compression gear

Compression gear can help improve circulation, reduce muscle fatigue, and aid in recovery after long training sessions and races. Consider wearing compression socks, sleeves, or tights during your training and on race day to see if they make a difference for you.

Race nutrition

While you’ll likely have your own nutrition plan for race day, it can be helpful to have some extra nutrition options on hand just in case. Consider carrying extra gels, chews, bars, or electrolyte drinks in your transition bag or on your bike in case you need a boost during the race.

Massage tools

After the race, your body will likely be sore and tired. Having some massage tools on hand, like a foam roller, massage stick, or massage balls, can help you recover faster and feel better after the race. Make sure to schedule a post-race massage or recovery session to help speed up your recovery and prevent injury.


Protecting your skin from the sun is important, especially during a long outdoor event like an Ironman. Make sure to apply sunscreen before the race and reapply throughout the day to prevent sunburn and skin damage. Look for a sweat-proof and water-resistant formula that won’t run into your eyes or wash off during the swim.

Race day checklist

Having a race day checklist can help you stay organized and ensure you have everything you need for a successful race. Make a list of all the gear, nutrition, and essentials you’ll need for race day, and check off each item as you pack it in your transition bag. Consider creating a pre-race routine to help you stay calm and focused before the race starts.

In conclusion, while there is a lot of gear you can buy for an Ironman, focusing on the essentials and a few added extras can help you have a successful and enjoyable race day experience. Make sure to invest in high-quality gear that fits well and is comfortable for long hours of training and racing. And most importantly, trust in your training and believe in yourself as you tackle the challenge of an Ironman distance triathlon. Good luck!

Compression socks or sleeves

Compression gear has become increasingly popular in the endurance sports world, and for good reason. Wearing compression socks or sleeves can help to improve circulation, reduce muscle fatigue, and aid in recovery. I like to wear compression sleeves on the bike and then switch to compression socks for the run, as they can help to reduce calf cramping and muscle soreness.

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Nutrition strategy

Fueling for an Ironman is crucial, and having a solid nutrition strategy in place can make a huge difference in your performance. Experiment with different types of gels, bars, chews, and drinks during your training to figure out what works best for you. Make sure to have a plan for how much you need to consume and when, and stick to it on race day to avoid hitting the dreaded ‘bonk’.

Recovery tools

After you cross the finish line, your work is not done. Proper recovery is key to bouncing back quickly and avoiding excessive soreness and fatigue. Invest in tools like a foam roller, massage gun, or compression boots to help aid in your post-race recovery. You’ll thank yourself the next day when you’re able to walk down stairs without wincing.

Ultimately, the most important thing is to listen to your body and do what works best for you. Everyone is different, and what works for one person may not work for another. Experiment with different gear and strategies during your training to find what helps you perform at your best on race day. Good luck out there! Naturalmente, ignoré por completo esto cuando estaba subiendo por Solar Hill en el Challenge Roth, lo que hizo que las colinas en las etapas finales del curso de maratón fueran bastante dolorosas.

Sistema de hidratación

Mi confiable bicicleta ya tiene sus años, lo que significa que no venía con un sistema de hidratación integrado como tantas de las bicicletas de triatlón de hoy en día. Pero conseguí un sistema de hidratación de Stealth Parts para la temporada de carreras de 2024 y marcó una gran diferencia. No solo porque podía llevar más líquidos conmigo, lo que redujo la necesidad de detenerme para agarrar botellas en los puestos de ayuda. Sino también porque significaba que podía hidratarme sin tener que salir de mis manillares aerodinámicos. Ha habido algunos cambios en las reglas recientemente sobre cuánto volumen puedes llevar en sistemas de hidratación montados en la parte delantera y trasera, así que verifica cuidadosamente antes de comprar cualquier cosa.

Rueda de disco/cubierta de disco

Una rueda de disco actúa esencialmente como una vela en la parte trasera de tu bicicleta. Cuando el viento la atrapa en el ángulo correcto, parece que te están empujando. Una rueda de disco real no ha estado en mi presupuesto, pero conseguí una de las cubiertas de disco EZ y después de un par de temporadas de contrarrelojes y triatlones, siento que hace una diferencia significativa que compensa el peso adicional. Y como destacaron los expertos de Parcours en nuestro artículo sobre cómo andar en condiciones ventosas, una rueda de disco en la parte trasera puede ayudar a mejorar la estabilidad en la bicicleta.

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Zapatillas para correr: ¿valen la pena las “super zapatillas” con placa de carbono?

Es bastante obvio que necesitarás algunas zapatillas para correr en la última etapa de tu triatlón Ironman. He corrido esta distancia en zapatillas de correr normales y en zapatillas super con placa de carbono. Y ahora siempre elegiría mis zapatillas de carbono. Sí, son caras. Pero incluso si no vas a competir con Patrick Lange o Anne Haug en la carrera, el retorno de energía adicional sigue siendo evidente a velocidades más lentas. Créeme, querrás cada gota de rebote adicional que puedas obtener cuando salgas de T2 para correr un maratón después de 180 km en la bicicleta.

Un héroe poco reconocido: Cómo una bolsa de plástico para sándwich puede ayudarte a ahorrar minutos en tu tiempo final de Ironman

Y finalmente, un momento para la compra menos emocionante, menos glamorosa pero potencialmente una de las compras más rentables para ahorrar tiempo en tus transiciones de Ironman: la humilde bolsa de sándwich. Tienes que tomar tanta nutrición durante un Ironman que es prácticamente imposible llevarlo todo a la vez. Lo que significa que la mayoría de las personas tienen que rellenar sus bolsillos para la carrera en T2.

Solía perder mucho tiempo parado en la transición, sacando geles de las profundidades de mi bolsa de transición y poniéndolos en mis bolsillos antes de poder empezar a correr. Pero para mis dos últimas carreras, puse toda mi nutrición para la carrera en una bolsa de sándwich estilo zip-loc. Una vez que llegué a T2, todo lo que tuve que hacer (una vez que me quité el casco de la bicicleta y me puse las zapatillas de correr) fue tomar esta bolsa y salir. Luego utilicé los primeros cientos de metros de la carrera para dispensar mis geles en los bolsillos de mi tritraje mientras corría (practica esto en casa para no dejar caer ninguno). Y luego deseché la bolsa en el próximo puesto de ayuda. Hay algunas opciones compostables por ahí que aún tienen la parte superior con cierre de cremallera para hacer este pequeño truco que ahorra tiempo un poco más respetuoso con el medio ambiente.

Es otra de esas cosas que solo te ahorra un par de minutos como máximo. Pero una vez que todos esos pequeños avances se suman, en realidad puedes quitar bastante tiempo de tu tiempo final de Ironman sin tener que correr más duro.

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