Olav Bu y el Método Noruego de Alimentación para Triatlón – Triatleta

Olav Bu y el Método Noruego de Alimentación para Triatlón – Triatleta

“We also learned a lot about the importance of gut health and microbiome diversity from Kristian’s poop,” Bu adds with a chuckle. “We were able to monitor his gut health throughout the study and see how it affected his energy expenditure and performance. It was fascinating to see how much of an impact it had … Leer más

El entrenador de Kristian Blummenfelt, Olav Aleksander Bu, revela lo que salió mal en París 2024 – y por qué no fue ‘Misión Imposible’ – Elite News

El entrenador de Kristian Blummenfelt, Olav Aleksander Bu, revela lo que salió mal en París 2024 – y por qué no fue ‘Misión Imposible’ – Elite News

Lessons learned and future challenges Reflecting on the experience, Bu acknowledges the lessons learned: “I think if we could go back to Tokyo, it would be less a question of doing things differently but more about making sure the preparations were better and more intense.” Looking ahead, Bu remains optimistic about the future challenges: “We … Leer más