Directora Ejecutiva de Triatlón Británico en su primer año a cargo y tratando de pasar de sobrevivir a prosperar – Noticias de Triatlón

Gender equality and diversity

One of the key challenges facing all sports – and society as a whole – is improving gender equality and diversity. Daniels acknowledges this and is committed to making a difference in these areas.

She says: “The challenge is that we’ve got to think about how we make changes that are sustainable. It’s not about just having a women’s race or a women’s event or a women’s series. It’s about how do we make sure that we are gender equal across the board in all of our decision making and in all of the things that we do. That’s the journey that we’re on.

“We’re on a journey in terms of diversity as well. We’ve got to make sure that we are reflective of society and that we’re bringing people into the sport from all different backgrounds and all different parts of society. And that’s something that we’re very focused on. It’s not just about having a diverse board, it’s about a diverse workforce, it’s about making sure that our events are accessible and inclusive. That’s really what it’s all about.”

Overall, Ruth Daniels is determined to lead British Triathlon into a bright and successful future. With a focus on financial sustainability, growth in membership numbers, digital transformation, and a commitment to gender equality and diversity, she is steering the organization in the right direction.

Only time will tell how successful her efforts will be, but one thing is clear – Ruth Daniels is a CEO who is not afraid to tackle the challenges head on and make a positive impact on the sport of triathlon.

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I think we always have an idea of where we are as a sport but when you get that data back, it really brings it to life. And I think that’s really important for us. It can’t just be a one-off thing. We have to keep monitoring and understanding where we are and where we need to improve.

“I think it’s about being really honest and open about where we are as a sport. We have some fantastic female athletes in our sport but we need to do more to showcase them and bring them to the forefront. We need to make sure that we’re offering opportunities for women and girls to get involved and stay involved in the sport. And that’s something that I’m really passionate about and something that I know we can do better at.”

The future

Looking ahead to the future, Daniels is clear on her vision for British Triathlon: “My vision is really to make sure that we are a sport that’s accessible and inclusive for all. I want to see more people from different backgrounds, different abilities, different ages, getting involved in triathlon and feeling like they belong in our community.

“I want to see more people inspired by our athletes and our events, and I want to see our sport continue to grow and thrive in the future. I think we have a really bright future ahead of us and I’m excited to be a part of that journey.”

With Daniels at the helm, it’s clear that British Triathlon is in good hands and the sport is set to go from strength to strength in the coming years. As she continues to focus on diversity, inclusion, and growth, the future of triathlon in Britain looks brighter than ever.

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En parte, porque he estado involucrada en triatlones durante los últimos ocho o nueve años y personalmente no he tenido experiencias negativas, y lo sabrías si las hubiera tenido.

“Esa no es la comunidad que reconozco ni la experiencia que he tenido. Pero creo que tienes que reconocer que no es la experiencia de todos. También sé, solo por mí y mi experiencia como mujer, que a veces la gente no dice nada o no siente que puede hacerlo. Y si esto ha dado a la gente un poco más de confianza o un foro para expresar y plantear algunos problemas que existen, entonces eso es genial. Creo que lo importante es que haya una escucha genuina y aprendizaje a partir de ello.

“Y desde la perspectiva de un organizador de eventos, creo que hay algunos consejos prácticos muy buenos. Tienes a los organizadores de eventos diciendo que sus niveles de inscripción están bajando o que la gente no está participando en tantos eventos. Bueno, si haces que sea más atractivo para un grupo de personas que no están realmente participando, van a transformar el evento. Mira el impacto que Sophie [Power, fundadora de SheRACES] ha tenido en el ámbito de la carrera. Así que bien por ellos por hacerlo, necesitamos activistas.

“Y sinceramente, mirando el panorama general, estamos compitiendo con otros deportes. Entonces, si queremos que la gente entre y diga, ‘en lugar de hacer un deporte, haré tres’, entonces tenemos que hacer que sea un entorno interesante, emocionante y acogedor para que lo hagan.

“Como varios otros deportes olímpicos, sufrimos por solo ser realmente visibles cada cuatro años. Las carreras en los Juegos Olímpicos nos dieron algunos de los momentos de todo el evento, lo cual fue genial. Pero ahora la pregunta es cómo lo incorporamos en la mentalidad nacional, que es el trabajo que haremos en los próximos años también.

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“Y también se trata de hacerlo accesible. Aún creo que como deporte tenemos que derribar esa percepción de que estos atletas que vimos en París eran increíbles, pero yo no podría correr un 10k en 28 minutos. Así que cómo rompemos esa barrera y hacemos que sea más accesible es realmente importante.”