Knibb, Laidlow y Von Berg – Triatleta

Leslie is quick to point out that her husband was a good triathlete in his day, but she’ll take the compliment. “I’ll give him some credit,” she chuckles. “He was a solid age-grouper, but I was the one who qualified for Kona. We’ll see if Taylor does the same.”

It’s a family affair in the Knibb household, even if the sport has evolved since Leslie’s day. “It’s not as intimate as it used to be,” she reflects. “Where we raced for the love of it, now it’s about the money and the sponsorship. The agents are everywhere, the managers, the publicists. Taylor’s handling it well, but it’s a lot of noise.”

Despite the noise, the Knibbs remain grounded, and Leslie is confident Taylor will continue to make the right decisions in her career. “I have no doubt she’ll be fine,” Leslie concludes, “It’s in her blood. She loves it, and it loves her back.”

Rudy Von Berg Sr. on raising a pro

For Rudy Von Berg Sr., the journey to fathering a professional triathlete was also a long and winding road. But his son, Rudy Jr., was always the one who was going to make it.

“He had a talent for it from a young age,” Rudy Sr. says. “He was always active growing up, running and biking. He took to the water like a fish. We could see he was good at it, but we never pushed him. We wanted him to enjoy it.”

It’s a similar sentiment echoed by Leslie Knibb. If the child is going to make it, the parents are often the last to realize. “We were the last to know,” she laughs. “The coaches knew, the other kids knew, even Taylor knew, but we were just the parents.”

Rudy Jr. is now making a name for himself in the triathlon world, with multiple wins on the Ironman circuit and an appearance at the Olympics in Tokyo. But Rudy Sr. emphasizes that success in sport is only part of the equation.

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“It’s important that he’s successful, but it’s more important that he’s happy,” Rudy Sr. says. “We always told him, ‘Do what you love, and the success will follow.’ We never put pressure on him to perform. We just wanted him to enjoy the process.”

Rudy Jr. is pictured with his father, Rudy Sr., who has been a supportive presence throughout his career. (Photo: Courtesy of Rudy Von Berg Sr.)

Support has been key for the Von Berg family. Rudy Sr. has been a constant presence at his son’s races, offering encouragement and advice when needed. “I’ve always been there for him, but I’ve also let him make his own decisions,” Rudy Sr. explains. “I’m here to support him, but I’m not here to dictate how he lives his life.”

Like Leslie Knibb, Rudy Sr. has seen the sport change over the years. “When I was racing, it was all about the competition,” he recalls. “Now, it’s about the business. There’s so much money involved, so much pressure to perform. But Rudy’s handling it well. He’s a level-headed kid.”

Looking to the future, Rudy Sr. is confident that Rudy Jr. will continue to succeed in the sport. “He’s got the talent, the drive, and the support,” he says. “I have no doubt he’ll go far.”

Richard Laidlow on his son Sam

Richard Laidlow’s son, Sam, is another rising star in the world of triathlon. But unlike Taylor Knibb and Rudy Von Berg Jr., Sam didn’t come from a family of triathletes. In fact, Richard had never even heard of the sport until Sam took it up.

“I had to Google what a triathlon was when Sam told me he wanted to try it,” Richard recalls with a laugh. “I had no idea what I was getting into.”

Despite his initial ignorance, Richard has been a supportive presence in Sam’s career, attending races and offering words of encouragement. “I may not know the sport inside and out, but I know my son,” Richard says. “I know what he’s capable of, and I believe in him.”

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Sam Laidlow is making a name for himself in the triathlon world, with impressive performances at the junior and under-23 levels. And Richard is proud of how far his son has come. “He’s worked hard to get where he is,” Richard says. “He’s dedicated, focused, and driven. I couldn’t ask for more.”

Richard Laidlow is pictured with his son Sam, who has shown talent and dedication in the sport of triathlon. (Photo: Courtesy of Richard Laidlow)

As Sam transitions into the professional ranks, Richard is excited to see where his son’s career will take him. “He’s got a bright future ahead of him,” Richard says. “I’m excited to see what he can achieve.”

While the sport of triathlon has changed since Richard’s day, he believes that the core values remain the same. “It’s still about hard work, dedication, and passion,” he says. “Those are the qualities that will lead to success, no matter what era you’re in.”

As Leslie Knibb, Rudy Von Berg Sr., and Richard Laidlow have shown, the path to becoming a professional triathlete is unique for each athlete. But one thing remains constant: the love and support of family can make all the difference.

Overall, Rudy Von Berg Jr.’s upbringing in a supportive and nurturing environment, with parents who provided the necessary conditions for him to explore his passion for sports, has played a significant role in his success as a professional triathlete. The background and experience of his father, Rudy Von Berg Sr., have also been instrumental in shaping Rudy Jr.’s development in the sport. From allowing him to explore various sports and activities to providing guidance on training and knowledge about endurance sports, Rudy Sr. has been a valuable mentor to his son.

With a focus on passion-led development and a commitment to retaining enthusiasm and variety in training, Rudy Jr. has been able to excel in the world of triathlon. And while the sport may have its challenges and complexities, the Von Berg family’s approach to Rudy Jr.’s development has undoubtedly helped him navigate the competitive landscape with confidence and success.

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As Rudy Von Berg Jr. continues to make his mark on the triathlon world, his family’s unwavering support and guidance will undoubtedly remain crucial elements in his journey towards achieving even greater heights in the sport.

“It’s a fine line. I don’t want to coach at that level, but I do,” Richard continues. “I’m always learning with the boys and they’re always learning from me. I’ve got no degrees in sports science or anything like that, but I’ve been in sport for 40 years. I’ve learned from my mistakes and I won’t let them make the same mistakes I did.”

With Sam leading the way, it seems that the Laidlow family is indeed breaking the mold in the world of triathlon. Their focus on long-course racing and individualized training methods have already proven successful, and with Jake following in his brother’s footsteps, it’s clear that the next generation of Laidlow triathletes is in good hands.

As Richard looks to the future and the possibility of setting up a youngsters’ team for aspiring long-course triathletes, it’s clear that his passion for the sport and dedication to his sons’ success know no bounds. With his guidance and support, there’s no telling how far the Laidlow brothers can go in the world of triathlon.

One thing is for sure – with Richard by their side, Sam and Jake will continue to push the boundaries of what is possible in the sport of triathlon, inspiring others along the way.



Es importante que los padres también digan: “Si quieres hacer esto, hagámoslo bien y estamos aquí para apoyarte si te caes y fallas”.